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Implementing Progressive Enhancement in Web Design - Exploring the Approach

Posted on Jan 24, 2013 by Infoway

The term 'progressive enhancement' (PE) is very new in the world of web design. So, before your mind starts getting ambiguous about the same, here is a quick look at the definition.

Progressive enhancement refers a specific approach in web development that focuses on delivering optimum experience to a broad range of target audience irrespective of the platform. So, whether you are viewing the site on a desktop, iPhone, Smartphone, or Kindle, your viewing experience is never compromised in terms of functionality and feature friendly.

Benefits of Progressive Enhancement

This new and emerging approach in the field of web design comes with multiple benefits; here is a quick look at some of the top benefits of the same -
  • Improved accessibility
  • Expand Transferability
  • Major boost in Performance
  • Easy and simple modular web design

Integrating Progressive Enhancement to Web Design

Now, when PE comes with such benefits, staying away from incorporating the same in your web design is certainly not a god idea. After all, in today's competitive world, nothing sells like uniqueness does. So, if you seem to be worried about integrating PE and its core principles into your web design approach; here is a quick look at the ways that you can embrace -
  1. Content Featuring a Markup of Semantic HTML
    Markup of semantic HTML makes sure that the tags are properly applied to the structure of content and coveys meaning. It further builds an alliance with the emerging standards of HTML5 for web design. Examples of an effective markup of semantic include the new attributes and elements of the list of HTML5 like 'nav', 'footer', 'article', and 'aside'.
  2. CSS and Presentation Styling
    In addition to the semantic markup that is found in the new HTML5, the emerging standards of CSS3 incorporate quiet well together allowing your web design to feature a riot of images, colors, backgrounds, shadowing, gradients, text effect, etc in the screen. Moreover, in an increasing number of website implementations, it becomes essential to make use of several style sheet that allows you to mark the difference in specific sheets in terms of color, type, and layout.
  3. Behavior of Scripting
    This particular level builds an alliance between all with the unassuming jQuery and JavaScript offering an advantageous performance in the approach of web design. Integrating proper scripts enhances the robust features maintaining them all in a different module. Additionally, it should also make way for the availability of all content without any or all scripts having a successful run.

While, Progressive Enhancement might have its drawbacks, but being a business module and a proper web design approach, it makes it easy to cater to the growing needs of website design that are accessible to gadgets of all kinds.

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